CHWIRUT1 - Dataset, initial and certified values
y = exp( -a * x ) / ( b + c * x )
a = 0.1903 � 0.0219
b = 0.006131 � 0.000345
c = 0.010531 � 0.000793
Observation: the results agree with the validated values by the SRD of
the NIST (initial values suggested: primary and secondary groups).
CHWIRUT2 - Dataset, initial and certified values
y = exp( -a * x ) / ( b + c * x )
a = 0.1666 � 0.0383
b = 0.005165 � 0.000666
c = 0.01215 � 0.00153
Observation: the results agree with the validated values by the SRD of
the NIST (initial values suggested: primary and secondary groups).
DANWOOD - Dataset, initial and certified values
y = a * x ** b
a = 0.7689 � 0.0183
b = 3.8604 � 0.0517
Observation: the results agree with the validated values by the SRD of
the NIST (initial values suggested: primary and secondary groups).
GAUSS1 - Dataset, initial and certified values
y = a*exp( -b*x ) + c*exp( -( (x-d) / e) **2 )+ f*exp( -( (x-g) / h )**2)
a = 98.778 � 0.575 b = 0.010497 � 0.000114
c = 100.490 � 0.588 d = 67.481 � 0.105
e = 23.130 � 0.174 f = 71.995 � 0.626
g = 178.998 � 0.124 h = 18.389 � 0.201
Observation: the results agree with the validated values by the SRD of
the NIST (initial values suggested: primary and secondary groups).
GAUSS2 - Dataset, initial and certified values
y = a*exp( -b*x ) + c*exp( -( (x-d) / e) **2 ) + f*exp( -( (x-g) / h )**2)
a = 99.018 � 0.537 b = 0.010995 � 0.000133
c = 101.880 � 0.592 d = 107.031 � 0.150
e = 23.579 � 0.227 f = 72.046 � 0.617
g = 153.270 � 0.195 h = 19.526 � 0.264
Observation: the results agree with the validated values by the SRD of
the NIST (initial values suggested: primary and secondary groups).
LANCZOS3 - Dataset, initial and certified values
y = a * exp( -b * x ) + c * exp( -d * x ) + e * exp( -f * x )
a = 0.0868 � 0.0172 b = 0.9550 � 0.0970
c = 0.8440 � 0.0415 d = 2.952 � 0.108
e = 1.5826 � 0.0584 f = 4.9864 � 0.0344
Observation: the results agree with the validated values by the SRD of
the NIST (initial values suggested: primary and secondary groups; tolerance = 1.0E-08).
MISRA1A - Dataset, initial and certified values
y = a * ( 1 - exp ( - b * x ) )
a = 238.94 � 2.71
b = 55.016E-05 � 0.727E-05
Observation: the results agree with the validated values by the SRD of
the NIST (initial values suggested: primary and secondary groups).
MISRA1B - Dataset, initial and certified values
y = a * ( 1 - ( 1 + b * x / 2 ) ** ( -2 ) )
a = 338.00 � 3.16
b = 39.039E-05 � 0.425E-05
Observation: the results agree with the validated values by the SRD of
the NIST (initial values suggested: primary and secondary groups).